
Ada Marino

Portrait of Ada Marino

Ada Marino is an Italian visual artist based in Wales. Her practice focuses above all on the recollection of past events, memories and traumas that re-emerge, passing by a deep canal of introspection, manifesting a cynical surrealism. Her works are represented under an individual combination of photography and installations.Often her disturbing imagery attempts to conceptualise the repulsion/attraction effect and tries to introduce the concept of revaluation of ugliness, almost contemplating it . She creates a variance with the ‘insubstantial’ aesthetic photography form subverting the common way to photograph, see and perceive things, celebrating the beauty in the truth and imperfections of life.



“Paterfamilias” is a visual investigation exploring the theme of oppression in the domestic sphere, bringing to the surface the consequences of the deteriorated relationships in male dominated households. The project’s narrative evokes memories in all their rawness. The sentiments/resentments fruit of this experience, functioning to raise awareness of, and discuss, a deviant cultural aspect which still mortifies the dignity of women. The images are wrapped into a form of surrealism elevating and making tangible the sense of conflict, frustration and tension of unsafe shelter, but also capturing the feminine feelings manifestations like resilience, awareness, desire to emerge, commenting on a social phenomenon of silent but disruptive force.