
Salih Basheer

Portrait of Salih Basheer

Mae Salih Basheer (g. 1995) yn adroddwr straeon / ffotograffydd llawrydd o Sudan sy’n canolbwyntio ar faterion cymdeithasol. Adroddodd am y chwyldroadau yn Sudan a’r tonnau o brotestiadau ar ôl i bobl oedd yn protestio yn Khartoum gael eu chwalu. Ers hynny, mae ei waith ffotograffiaeth wedi datblygu’n brosiectau mwy tymor hir.

Symudodd Salih i Cairo yn 2013 a derbyniodd ei Radd Bagloriaeth mewn Daearyddiaeth o Brifysgol Cairo yn 2017. Cychwynnodd brwdfrydedd mawr Salih am ffotograffiaeth yn 2016, pan fu o gymorth iddo i’w ailddarganfod ei hun, ac y rhoddodd lais ac iaith iddo i’w fynegi ei hun yn llawn drwy iaith weledol ffotograffiaeth. Yn ogystal, mae byw yn Cairo wedi bod yn allweddol yn ei daith fel ffotograffydd.


The Home Seekers

It is flaming hot. The house behind us is rising up two levels and blocking the wind. Ja`far and Mubarak, were able to build that house after their illegal immigration across the Mediterranean to Holland and Germany. Many young people from our neighbourhood did the same – as a result more houses are being built with money flowing from countries in the North. I always felt jealous. When many of my friends travelled overseas for work, I also wanted to immigrate across the Mediterranean to achieve my dreams. However, my destiny pushed me to a different spot.

Seven years ago, I came to Egypt to start my university education. I was struggling to adapt. I was overwhelmed with a mixture of feelings: alienation, longing, and loneliness. I thought of giving it all up and returning home. But – home was not home anymore.

“The Home Seekers” explores my complex feelings. It reflects the lack of belonging felt by Sudanese refugees in Cairo and the racial discrimination felt every day in public places, in transportation or walking in the street. It’s difficult being Black in Egypt. People with black skin are stereotyped and labelled by the Egyptian media, which helps drive anti-Blackness in the Egyptian society